Install Cloudera Manager server and agents

There are three ways to install the Cloudera Manager(server, agents), CDH and services.

  1. Automated installation by Cloudera Manager
  2. Install using Cloudera Manager parcels/packages
  3. Manual installation using Cloudera Manager Tarballs


Automated installation by Cloudera Manager:

This is the most preferred way to install Cloudera Manager in non-production/test environments. This is not recommended for production deployments.

Cloudera provides a small self-executing Cloudera Manager installation program (binary file) to install the Server and other packages. The Cloudera Manager installer, which you install on the host where you want the Cloudera Manager Server to run, performs the following:

  1. Installs the package repositories for Cloudera Manager and the Oracle Java Development Kit (JDK).
  2. Installs the Cloudera Manager packages.
  3. Installs and configures an embedded PostgreSQL database for use by the Cloudera Manager Server, some Cloudera Management Service roles, some managed services, and Cloudera Navigator roles.

Once the installation is complete, you can install CDH, agents, services using the CM wizard.


Before you begin, ensure that you’ve disabled SELinux and performed OS level configuration for Hadoop installation.

Login to the server in which you want to install Cloudera Manager.

Note: This server should have a minimum memory of 7.5GB.

Download the Cloudera installer binary file from cloudera url.

$ wget

bin download

Change cloudera-manager-installer.bin to have executable permission:

$ chmod u+x cloudera-manager-installer.bin


Run the Cloudera Manager Server installer by doing one of the following:

  • Install Cloudera Manager packages from the Internet:
    $ sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin
  • Install Cloudera Manager packages from the local repository you configured:
    $ sudo ./cloudera-manager-installer.bin --skip_repo_package=1


Rest of the steps are pretty straightforward. You have to select next, accept the license, finish.









After the installation is complete, you will get a popup notifying your Cloudera Manager URL and login credentials.



In this method, we have installed only the Cloudera Manager Server in the server. We have to login to the CM UI and proceed to install CDH in the hosts to be added to the cluster.


CCP Administrator Exam (CCA131)  is a hands-on, practical exam using Cloudera technologies. Each user is given their own CDH5 (currently 5.10.1) cluster running on CentOS 7.3.

As mentioned by Cloudera, in the exam you’ll be given a prebuilt cluster. So you needn’t to install/build a cluster. But for your preparation, it’s best to build a cluster on your own and practice the tasks.

Problem Scenario:

It’s unlikely that a problem will given on this topic.

Issues and Troubleshooting:

After the installation completes, please wait for few minutes to access the CM ui. When you access the ui, master:7180, the page will come like below.


If the page is not loading even after 5/10 mins of CM server installation, then you have to identify the problem and resolve it.

The best way to identify the issue is checking the CM server status and the logs in the server.

# sudo service cloudera-scm-server status

# sudo less /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/cloudera-scm-server.log


Thus we covered how to install Cloudera Manager Server.


Use the comments section below to post your doubts, questions and feedback.

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  1. Hi, Thanks for the write up, I have one question, why is this method of automated installation not preferred in prod. environment? and which one is preferred ?

  2. Hi, Thanks for the write up, I have one question, why is this method of automated installation not preferred in prod. environment? and which one is preferred ?

    1. Hi Merin,

      The reason is “In automated installation, Cloudera Manager automates the installation of the JAVA, embedded PostgreSQL database, agents, CDH parcels, etc on cluster hosts. Cloudera Manager also configures databases for the Cloudera Manager Server and Hive Metastore and optionally for Cloudera Management Service roles. ”

      In organizations, as per the security policies they don’t prefer latest version of java and keep some stable version of Java. Also they may want to use stable version of CDH parcel than latest one. This is to be in sync with the java, CDH version in other clusters.

      Also mysql database in commonly used for prod clusters which is far better than embedded pgsql.

      To summarize, automated installation do everything in one shot where you want to have a quickstart. But in companies, for production clusters, you want everything to be planned, defined and to be in sync with other clusters which keeps the cluster/platform stable.

      Hope this helps.

      1. thank you !, Just to be sure, we need to manually install only the CM server (and not the CDH, which we do using the CM wizard) ? And do you have a blog of installing CM manually ?

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